Mixed Bag

Bob Downes - Mixed Bag

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Two albums in one package - both of them featuring excellent work from
groundbreaking British reedman Bob Downes!
Mixed Bag is nothing like you might expect from its title - because while the set
does feature a variety of different sessions from Downes, it's also got
a very unified feel - thanks partly to the range of sounds and ideas that
Bob expresses in each new tune! The set's easily some of the most compelling work
we've ever heard from Downes on record - and features 70s and 80s recordings
on a variety of different flutes and woodwinds - some solo,
some in company of other contemporaries, like Ray Russel on guitar Harry Miller on bass.
Most tunes are very open, and quite spiritual in their approach - and titles include "Shriek Out",
"Lola", "Jamaican Jump Up", "Borneo Breeze", Eruption", "The Devil", and "Seashore.
CD 2 features a wonderful tribute to departed reedman Faruq Z Bey - written and recorded
shortly after Bey's passing in 2012, and featuring
Bob Downes playing tenor and a bit of bass flute - on these beautifully poetic solo passages!
This piece is relatively short - bit it's a great bonus to this package.
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